
Tuesday, April 21, 2009


This is my Wilton's Class, Course 1-Lesson 3....the clowns on cupcakes. I really had fun on doing these clowns and they're super easy to do it. I make my own butter-vanilla cupcakes and I iced the cakes with own homemade buttercream. I don't really like the Wilton's icing because they're really sweet and greasy. But for piping the clowns body, legs and hands, I had to used the Wilton's icing with medium consistency and tip#21. For the gloves, buttons and shoes, I used thin consistency with tip#3.

Next week is my last class for Course 1 and I'll post my my decorated cake next week.

1 comment:

  1. congratulation on your Wilton's course!! I took all of the courses except wedding cake far I didn't make any clown after classes,malu la! your clown is really pretty! looking forward your creative decoration:P
